The students from The University of Indianapolis on their
2012 trip coined the phrase “Doing it Ghana style.” Even though they had
a lot of fun with it, the first thing I would say characterizes doing something
Ghana style is doing it with a smile. It is
simply unfathomable to me that Ghanaians are such happy people. Whether the
person is cutting grass with a cutlass/machete, selling goods along the road,
or just cooking or doing laundry. Very rarely do you hear a
Ghanaian complain about anything, although occasionally you will hear them say something about the government or get into a
debate about politics which certainly can be informative and extremely
entertaining. They take their politics seriously. Another
characteristic of Ghana style is their recognition of God in their lives.
He is so real to them and actively involved in the small things of their
lives. Sometimes before a long trip, people here in the United States
will pray before leaving. The Ghanaians normally pray
before each trip no matter how short. The amazing thing is that they,
too, pray and thank God for their safe arrival to
their destination. So, if you are doing it Ghana style, you will have a
smile on your face and you will be in prayer often—prayers of request as well
as thanksgiving.
David Ketchum